Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Moore's Creek Bridge from the Loyalist Viewpoint

     It is interesting when considering the battles and physical places of the Revolution to read earlier accounts, particularly commemorative speeches.  On February 27, 1857, Joshua G. Wright, Esq., gave such an address.  Dismissing the Loyalist Scot Highlanders who comprised the main body that attacked the Patriot position, he said of them: "Strangers to our soil, little did they feel of that inbred lvoe of country which glowe4d so warmly in the breasts of our people . . . "

     Rather condescending, considering that all Americans were strangers to the soil at one point or another, and indeed, the soil was already inhabited by indigenous peoples when the settlers came from Europe.  Still, these other Americans--for Loyalists were Americans, fighting for this same soil--poured across the bridge on this sight and for some thirty of them, this was their last view.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Through the South

     I have just returned from a college retrieval to and from Clemson, and visited Moore's Creek Bridge, (NC), Wilmington (NC), Camden (SC), Ninety Six (SC) and Musgrove's Mill (SC).  Previously, I've been to King's Mountain, Ramsour's Mill, Guilford Courthouse and Cowpens.  Eutaw Springs and Charleston, as well as Augusta (GA) will need to abide another trip.

     Here is a view of the Patriot position, with one of the two light artillery pieces aimed towards the bridge.  I made two visits, one in twilight as the park was closing, and in the morning when a slight fog covered the creek.  What is striking about this battle, as many in the Carolinas, was that it was truly demonstrative of the civil war nature of the Revolution.  It also demonstrates something the contemporary wisdom about the Revolution seems to ignore--that Loyalists were also Americans (though not designated "Patriots") and fought as fiercely and from the same kind of core beliefs or economic interests.  The fighting at Moore's Creek was intense, though the Loyalists took the worst of it by far.  The Patriot victory here compelled a very different strategy for the British commanders.