I've been delinquent in posting, and since the last one, a tumultuous election occurred that provided an opportunity for consideration of what America was in the 18th Century and what it is now. Leave it at that; one's answer to that question will flow directly from one's current assumptions and presumptions. One thing that is consistent is the annual reenactment of the crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas Day, 1776. The event takes on a kind of ritualism. Still, it's a time for reflection. Credit goes to the reenactors as a cadre of near-clerics who keep alive the momentous nature of this event. So without further comment, I'll share some of the images of the event today:
The Advance Party Lands
First Boat Away
One of Glover's Boatmen
Second Boat Away
Washington's Boat
The Commander in Chief
Continental Army on the March