The American Civil War is often portrayed as "brother against brother." The West Point class of 1846 yielded classmates Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson, Lieutenant General in the Confederate Army, and General George B. McClellan, Commanding General of the Union Army from 1861-62. Similarly, during the French and Indian War, comrades and arms would face each other as enemies barely twenty years later.
Here is Braddock's Grave on Braddock's Road, not far from Fort Necessity. British General Edward Braddock was mortally wounded at the Battle of the Monongahela about ten miles east of modern day Pittsburgh, in what is now known as Braddock, Pennsylvania. The battle occurred on July 9, 1755. Among the participants and members of Braddock's force were militia Colonel George Washington, Captain Horatio Gates, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Gage, Captain Charles Lee and Captain William Mercer. Washington, Gates, Lee and Mercer fought on the American side, and of course Gage on the British, during the Revolution.
As this is written, both Democrats and Republicans continue to engage in their respective civil wars, with former allies bitterly at odds. It is always intriguing, in a watch the road accident sense, to contemplate betrayals. People quite literally give their lives to others, and then become discarded when no longer needed or seen as liabilities.